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Wednesday 5 May 2010


Wednesday 5 May 2010

Music is the sound emitted by one or several musical instruments produced by different individuals based on history, culture, location and taste one.

The true definition of music is also diverse: The sound of which is considered good by the listener-generated sound Everything intentionally by someone or a collection and presented as a musical.

Here is a list of flow / main genres in music. Each genre was divided into several sub-genres. Categorizing music like this, although sometimes a subjective thing, but it is one of the sciences to be studied and determined by experts of world music.

In recent decades, the world of music has a lot of growth. Many types of new music that was born and developed. Examples Trip Hop music which is a fusion between electronic beats-beat pop music with a light and pleasant to hear. Examples of musicians who carry this type of music is Frou Frou, Sneaker Pimps and Lamb. There is also a hip-hop rock that was carried by Linkin Park. Not to mention rock and neo-wave dance rock that is now being ins. a lot of new music group that flew with this type of music, including Franz Ferdinand, Bloc Party, The Killers, The Bravery and many more.

Even now many bands that carry the song with the rhythm of local-language rock music, jazz, and blues. Music group that brings a new stream in Indonesia has been pretty much one of them is carrying the Funk de Java Java-language songs in rock music.

Some people think music is not tangible at all.
Music is a tool that does not have a restriction restrictions for mankind to enjoy them, take example; there are people who can german, but the discussion Heute zu konnen viele nicht Deutch Sprechen; not the case with music, with multi-stimulus capital he has, then the music was so accepted by our sense of hearing: then he penetrated into the auditory nerve, received, interpreted in the brain, and if the music was good and he has influenced an organ in the brain called the limbic system, where after stimulation and it will get involved elements of emotion that we have so will affect all of our brain metabolism; later found also that the tone was a very good tone for the "food" our brain is a high-frequency ringing tone; many people who argue that all classical music is the same, whether it's Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Chopin, or "the Waltz King" Strauss though, and proved why Mozart is often used as a reference, because in addition to such a wide range of tones from his song, coupled with such a dynamic tempo; turned out almost all the works of Mozart has a ringing tone with frequency high, so that in research studies, often get the result that the music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was the most optimal to improve our brain function; addition of new matter "relative" to get the latest is that in addition to Mozart's music; turned out to music from Gregorian song ( Chant of the Gregorian), especially from the era of monks, and Dom Dom Moquereau Gajard very well in filling the "brain batteries", and also have specific healing qualities. Gregorian song, as we know it does not have the tempo, or beats the rhythm, a rhythm which was formed apparently born from the rhythm of physiological rhythms, such as breathing and heartbeat; Gregorian chant energize and inner peace to people who sing and listen, he is also keeping the body and the human mind to be in a calm awareness, and from the most recent research results; was also found that the sound "Om ..." monk and the sound of voices recite also has roughly the same quality with the Chant of the Gregorian.
Classical music is not solely for pleasure, but also useful for the development of children. In music learning activities so that the right brain functioning actively, since it is usually active only the left brain. So basically there should be a balance left brain functions with right brain activities undertaken to obtain optimal results. Balance that can be done through music activities that constructively.
Garace Sudargo (a musician and educator) says that "the fundamentals of classical music generally come from human pulse so that it plays a major role in brain development, soul, character, even though the human body.
An expert in biophysics have done an experiment on the influence of music for the living. Two plants of the same type and age is placed at different places. One is placed close to the speakers (speaker) that presents the songs slow rock and heavy rock, while other plants are placed close to the speaker that broadcast songs are beautiful and rhythmically regular. In a few days, there a very significant difference. Plants near the speakers rock songs became withered and died, while plants near the speakers beautiful songs to grow fresher and flowering. A proof that music influences the lives of living creatures.
Music can be likened to lubricants, make something that had become loose or field loss. From emptiness comes creativity. Music can be a release valve so that a stuck-stuck it became fluent.
This congestion often occurs also in learning. During this learning is always related to the parable, like mengumbar it must use a pencil first, and others. When it should not. Learning is an expression. By using music, diharpkan learn to be relaxed, enjoyable that encourages freedom of expression because basically setres and tekananlah that inhibit learning.

Positive influence on the physical and psychological music man, making music is used as a medium of healing. Of course the use of music must be used proportionally. Not all types of music can didenger in all circumstances and sometimes we just need silence to soothe feelings. Even the sound of singing birds, gurgling streams, droplets of rain water and the roar of the waves could be the most beautiful music to soothe feelings of the soul.

Fact is not only limited to music from the sound generated from the instrument or the human voice alone, but the sounds of nature can also be a source of music is very captivating. Therefore, do not ever forget the natural singing voice and listen to musical beauty that are so natural.


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